The e-funnel

Operation Principle

Pests fly around the pheromone dispenser until they are exhausted. Once they fall through the funnel, they interrupt the flow of light from emitter to receiver and thus are counted. Τhe size of the pest is configured remotely after request.

All Lepidoptera with available pheromones :
Lobesia botrana, Tuta absoluta, Prays oleae, Helicoverpa armigera, Pectinophora gossypiella, Grapholita molesta, Adoxophyes orana
Targeted Cultivations:
Cotton, Grape, Industrial Tomato, Peach trees, Olive trees etc

Basic characteristics

  • Counting and transmission of the number of captured insects (lepidoptera).
  • Functions in conjunction with pheromones.
  • Weatherproof
  • Battery that lasts up to 30 weeks with a single charge
  • Includes air humidity and air temperature sensors
  • GSM wireless data transmission

The web-app

The farmB web app provides a comprehensive overview of all established pest traps, enabling farmers to monitor and manage their pest control efforts efficiently. With real-time status updates and detailed insights, users can quickly identify problem areas and take proactive measures to protect their crops.

simplify pest control | ensure healthier yields | reduce infestation risk

All historical data available

allowing users to track trends and make informed decisions based on past pest activity.

Varius visualization modules

present data in easyto-understand graphs and charts, enhancing the ability to analyze and interpret information.

 Daily reports and alerts

ensuring that users are always informed about the latest pest activity and trap status for timely interventions.

track insect population evolution

real-time and historic pest data through the farmB mobile app

interoperable inclusion within farmB ecosystem

Spraying Scheduling Tool 

for optimal material application

Trafficability Scheduling Tool

for soil compaction prevention

Satellite Data

for targeted interventions

Disease Predictions

for increased crop protection